Youth, Young Adults & Children

We are here to help you reach out to the young people in your parish and community.
We are here to help you grow them spiritually and to empower them to be leaders of today and tomorrow.

We truly believe, that if we are to grow the church,
we must begin with children and young people, setting them on a firm spiritual foundation.

Bulelwa Sihlali Woolley

YO – Youth Online Ministry


Spiritual formation begins with discipleship. If you want to disciple young people in your care, we can help you. Two programs we promote are Youth/ Student Alpha and the Rooted in Jesus programmes.

E-mail us for more information:

Cross-Generation Integration

GtC wants to be a model of cross-generation living and leadership in the church, so we are dedicated to having young people play an active role at each GtC event and to be a part of each ministry that is relevant to them.

For our new Lead Project, we are committed to having more than half of the participants at each training event to be youth and young adults.

Gap Year

The current youth generation, perhaps more than any generation in recent history, wants to make a difference in the world. They want to live a life of meaning. GtC partners with several gap year programs to offer young people, aged 18 years old and older, a gap-year experience rich in Christian and personal formation.

If you are a young person exploring options for your future, consider taking a gap year through GtC. Do you know a young person who is trying to discern God's call on the next phase of his or her life? Encourage him or her to look into our gap year opportunities.

We currently promote two gap year programmes:

  • OM (Operation Mobilisation)
  • YWAM (Youth with a Mission)


We are also dedicated to working collaboratively with other ACSA youth ministries.

Children's Ministry

If we do not begin discipling our children when they are young, when shall we begin?
Our Lord wants to use children now for his kingdom; and it is our role, as the adults in their lives, to help children.

We develop a personal relationship with God and to discover their God-given gifts.

Although spiritual formation is woven into all the ministries of GtC,
we specifically support and promote the following ministries:

Programmes for Children.

GtC promotes and supports three ministry programmes for children:

  • Rooted in Jesus Junior
    An active and engaging small-group discipleship course.
  • Messy Church
    A creative way of doing church for families.
  • Godly Play
    Rooted in the Montessori way of learning, it is a creative and imaginative approach to faith formation.

Online Children's Ministry.

Contact us for more information:

Revd Thabang Bengani
082 780 3739

Bolanle Enang
074 152 6709

AA Online Conference

Feel free to contact us.