
revd bruce woolley
revd bulelwa sihlali woolley

The Revd Bruce Woolley
The Director of Growing the Church

Bruce is tech savvy, has lots of energy, is always a step ahead of things, and recognises opportunities for expanding the ministry of Growing the Church. He is married to the Revd Bulelwa Sihlali Woolley, another live wire, with lots of energy. They have a daughter Zoe. Together, Bruce and Buli have a deep faith and commitment to discipling people with a special focus on planting churches, building up leaders and growing Gods church.

Office Manager and Provincial Coordinator

khethokuhle james dube

Khethokuhle James Dube
Rooted in Jesus Course

When we asked Khetha to describe himself in 3 words he said - quiet, focused, and hard-working. As a GtC Team we can agree wholeheartedly with him and add a few more... kind... committed... creative... level-headed!

Khetha studied Electrical Engineering focusing on Computer and Network Systems Engineering and over the years has been called into various Church and ministry positions.

He credits his positions as the Umvoti Archdeaconry Youth Chairperson within the Diocese of Natal as life changing. The position stretched his naturally quiet nature and allowed God to use him out of his comfort zone and grow his gifting of administration.

Khetha was able to use his technical and creative skills to be part of the online media and streaming ministry to be part of Anglican’s Ablaze Team in 2020.

He is passionate about work and loves what he does, a steady source of motivation drives him to do his best work at Growing the Church as the IT manager, Office Manager and the Rooted in Jesus Provincial Coordinator.

We pray that God would continue to stretch Khethokuhle and grow his ministry under the Growing the Church banner.

Exponential Team Growth

Although spiritual formation is woven into all the ministries of GtC.

We specifically support and promote the following ministries:

It is extremely exciting to see a long-time vision becoming a reality – to see A Diocesan GtC develop in every diocese. A few years ago, our leadership team began to sense that GtC had grown sufficiently strong, having worked outwardly from a central place. It was time to transition GtC into many places – into every diocese, – where it actually belongs, closer to the people.

A period of intensive training of GtC Diocesan Coordinators followed and continues. Gathering annually, our 3-to-6day training conferences have borne much fruit. Our training is always residential so that our Coordinators can build friendships, get to know each other's gifts and then learn to work in clusters – helping each other with regional and diocesan training events. The first step is to build a Diocesan GtC Core Team, followed by a full team.

In the last three years we have focused on elements of our: "LEAD Project" – Leadership for Evangelism and Discipleship. Research and experience indicated that these key areas were places of great need. In 2018 we focused sharply on Discipleship. In 2019 we focused sharply on Evangelism – from 12 to 17 November. Theoretical training was followed by practical engagement.

The Coordinators were divided into three teams which in turn conducted evangelistic missions in three parishes. The parishes reported much fruit and huge blessing. But the Coordinators were some of the most surprised people – seeing God use them in ways that they had not expected – generally speaking. For many it was stepping out of the boat and then seeing God carry them "on the water".

On Saturday 16th there was a big ecumenical outreach and we took our Coordinators there to experience an outreach which about 10 000 people attended. On Sunday 17th our teams ministered evangelistically in 5 Sunday Eucharists, preaching, sharing testimonies, leading people to Jesus and praying for the sick and those in need.

Today we have teams of various sizes in most of our 30 dioceses. We for the first time had two fellows from the island Diocese of St Helena, situated in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. That was an experience for both them and us. Please pray for the ongoing growth of these Diocesan GtC Teams – spiritually, numerically and holistically. To God be all the glory!

In 2020 GtC hosted a Webinar for Coordinators as meeting physically was impossible due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Feel free to contact us.